What is Khorasan?

Khorasan at a Glance Prior to the formation of the state of ‘Afghanistan’ in the late 19th century, the Northern territories of present day Afghanistan (see map below) belonged to a land known as Khorasan (خراسان), meaning “Land of the Rising Sun”. Khorasan was a multiethnic land in which various indigenous nations – mostly Iranian … Read more

NRF & Women’s Movement

NRF & Women´s Movement Here is some quick background information on the Taliban resistance – armed and unarmed. National Resistance Front (NRF) The National Resistance Front of Afghanistan (جبهه مقاومت ملی افغانستان) is the main grassroots armed resistance group fighting for the freedom of Afghanistan against the Taliban. The National Resistance Front, under the leadership … Read more

The Future of Afghanistan

WHAT COULD THE FUTURE OF AFGHANISTAN LOOK LIKE? Many Tajiks are asking for a federalized system in Afghanistan. Here is what speaks for a decentralized government. However, there are also a number of Tajiks (and other ethnicities) that want a partition. Centralized Government in Afghanistan The former governments of Afghanistan have been highly centralized. Power … Read more